The ancient practice of acupuncture started in China approximately 3,000 years ago.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the theory as to how acupuncture works is as follows:
Acupuncture is the insertion of needles into specific points on the body.
These points are usually areas where pain is present or are located along an energy channel.
Every organ has its own energy channel.
Acupuncture works by moving energy (also known as “Qi”). Any disruption or blockage of the flow of energy along the channels, will in time affect the associated organ, resulting in reduced function or pain.
Acupuncture aims to correct this flow of energy, therefore restoring function and balance within the body.
Different acupuncture points along these channels have specific functions, some promote the movement of energy up or down the body, some cool, some warm, others harmonise or balance.
If the flow of energy gets blocked, like water getting stuck behind a dam, the disruption in flow can lead to pain, lack of function or disease. Acupuncture releases this blocked energy and promotes the body’s natural healing response to kick in.
There are many facets to Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as acupuncture, a treatment may include
moxibustion, massage, gua sha, cupping, as well as advice on both diet and lifestyle.
An important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the individualised treatment approach, taking into
consideration all aspects of the individual.
Many factors are considered during the initial health assessment, including current health status, past medical
history, lifestyle, nutrition, exercise and mental and emotional well-being.
Tongue and pulse readings are taken during the initial assessment to help form a diagnosis, in order to choose
acupuncture points that are specific to you.